Deterministic SIR model, observations of prevalence
## model SIR_deterministic {
## const N = 1000; // population size
## const d_infection = 14; // duration of infection: 2 weeks
## state S, I, R; // susceptible, infectious, recovered
## obs Prevalence; // observations
## param R0; // basic reproduction number
## sub parameter {
## R0 ~ uniform(1, 3)
## }
## sub initial {
## S <- N - 1
## I <- 1
## R <- 0
## }
## sub transition { // daily time step
## inline i_beta = R0 / d_infection
## inline i_gamma = 1 / d_infection
## ode {
## dS/dt = - i_beta * S * I / N
## dI/dt = i_beta * S * I / N - i_gamma * I
## dR/dt = i_gamma * I
## }
## }
## sub observation {
## Prevalence ~ poisson(I)
## }
## }
sir_model <- bi_model(lines = model_str)
Deterministic SIR model, observations of incidence
## model SIR_deterministic {
## const N = 1000; // population size
## const d_infection = 14; // duration of infection: 2 weeks
## state S, I, R, Z; // susceptible, infectious, recovered
## obs Incidence; // observations
## param rep; //reporting rate
## param R0; // basic reproduction number
## sub parameter {
## rep ~ uniform(0,1)
## R0 ~ uniform(1, 3)
## }
## sub initial {
## S <- N - 1
## I <- 1
## R <- 0
## }
## sub transition { // daily time step
## inline i_lambda = R0 / d_infection * I / N
## inline i_gamma = 1 / d_infection
## Z <- (t_now % 7 == 0 ? 0 : Z) // reset incidence
## ode {
## dS/dt = - i_lambda * S
## dI/dt = i_lambda * S - i_gamma * I
## dR/dt = i_gamma * I
## dZ/dt = i_lambda * S
## }
## }
## sub observation {
## Incidence ~ poisson(rep * Z)
## }
## }
sir_model <- bi_model(lines = model_str)
Stochastic SIR model (SDE), observations of incidence
## model SIR_stoch_SDE {
## const h = 7; // incidence time step: 1 week
## const N = 1000; // population size
## const d_infection = 14; // duration of infection: 2 weeks
## noise n_transmission; // noise term
## noise n_recovery; // noise term
## state S, I, R, Z; // susceptible, infectious, recovered
## obs Incidence; // observations
## param rep; //reporting rate
## param R0; // basic reproduction number
## sub parameter {
## rep ~ uniform(0,1)
## R0 ~ uniform(1,3)
## }
## sub initial {
## S <- N - 1
## I <- 1
## R <- 0
## Z <- 1
## }
## sub transition {
## inline i_gamma = 1 / d_infection
## inline i_lambda = R0 / d_infection * I / N
## n_transmission ~ wiener() // noise terms
## n_recovery ~ wiener() // noise terms
## Z <- (t_now % 7 == 0 ? 0 : Z) // reset incidence
## ode (alg='RK4(3)', h=1e-1, atoler=1e-2, rtoler=1e-5) {
## dS/dt = - i_lambda * S - sqrt(i_lambda) * n_transmission
## dI/dt = i_lambda * S - i_gamma * I + sqrt(i_lambda) * n_transmission - sqrt(i_gamma) * n_recovery
## dR/dt = i_gamma * I + sqrt(i_gamma) * n_recovery
## dZ/dt = i_lambda * S + sqrt(i_lambda) * n_transmission
## }
## }
## sub observation {
## Incidence ~ poisson(rep * Z)
## }
## }
sir_model <- bi_model(lines = model_str)
Stochastic SIR model (jump), observations of incidence
## model SIR_stoch_jump {
## const time_step = 1; // time step
## const h = 7; // incidence time step: 1 week
## const N = 1000; // population size
## const d_infection = 14; // duration of infection: 2 weeks
## noise n_transmission; // random transmission
## noise n_recovery; // random recovery
## state S, I, R, Z; // susceptible, infectious, recovered
## obs Incidence; // observations
## param rep; //reporting rate
## param R0; // basic reproduction number
## sub parameter {
## rep ~ uniform(0,1)
## R0 ~ uniform(1,3)
## }
## sub initial {
## S <- N - 1
## I <- 1
## R <- 0
## Z <- 1
## }
## sub transition (delta = time_step) {
## inline i_gamma = 1 / d_infection
## inline i_lambda = R0 / d_infection * I / N
## Z <- (t_now % h == 0 ? 0 : Z) // reset incidence every h time steps
## n_transmission ~ binomial(S, 1 - exp(-i_lambda * time_step))
## n_recovery ~ binomial(I, 1-exp(-i_gamma * time_step))
## S <- S - n_transmission
## I <- I + n_transmission - n_recovery
## R <- R + n_recovery
## Z <- Z + n_transmission
## }
## sub observation {
## Incidence ~ poisson(rep * Z)
## }
## }
sir_model <- bi_model(lines = model_str)
Example observation data frame
obs <- data.frame(
value = c(1, 6, 2, 26, 99, 57, 78, 57, 15, 9, 4, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0),
time = c(0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 98, 105, 112)