Here is an example of possible answers to the practical on fitting the deterministic SEITL model to the Tristan da Cunha outbreak.

Each section below correspond to a section of the practical. Thus, you can have a look at our example for one section and then go back to the practical to answer the following sections.

Although our example refers to the SEITL model, the same commands work for the SEIT4L model (i.e. seit4lDeter instead of seitlDeter).

Setting the MCMC

# load the fitmodels

# wrapper for posterior
my_posteriorTdc <- function(theta) {
    my_fitmodel <- seitlDeter
    my_initState <- c(S = 279, E = 0, I = 2, T = 3, L = 0, Inc = 0)
    # note that for the SEIT4L model there are 4 state variables for the T
    # compartment my_initState <- c(S = 279, E = 0, I = 2, T1 = 3, T2 = 0, T3 =
    # 0, T4 = 0, L = 0, Inc = 0)

    return(dLogPosterior(fitmodel = my_fitmodel, theta = theta, initState = my_initState,
        data = fluTdc1971, margLogLike = dTrajObs, log = TRUE))

# theta to initialise the MCMC
initTheta <- c(R_0 = 2, D_lat = 2, D_inf = 2, alpha = 0.8, D_imm = 16, rho = 0.85)

# diagonal elements of the covariance matrix for the Gaussian proposal
proposalSd <- c(R_0 = 1, D_lat = 0.5, D_inf = 0.5, alpha = 0.1, D_imm = 2, rho = 0.1)

# lower and upper limits of each parameter
lower <- c(R_0 = 0, D_lat = 0, D_inf = 0, alpha = 0, D_imm = 0, rho = 0)
upper <- c(R_0 = Inf, D_lat = Inf, D_inf = Inf, alpha = 1, D_imm = Inf, rho = 1)

# number of iterations for the MCMC
nIterations <- 5000

# additional parameters for the adaptive MCMC, see ?mcmcMh for more details
adaptSizeStart <- 100
adaptSizeCooling <- 0.999
adaptShapeStart <- 200

You can now go back to the practical and try to run MCMC with those settings.


If you didn’t manage to run MCMC, or it took too long to obtain a few thousand iterations, you can load our short run as follows:

# this should load 2 objects in your environment: mcmcSeitl and mcmcSeitl4.
# Each one is a list of 3 elements returned by mcmcMh
## [1] "trace"           "acceptanceRate"  "covmatEmpirical"
# the trace contains 9 variables for 5000 iterations
## [1] 5000    9
# let's have a look at it
##           R_0    D_lat    D_inf     alpha     D_imm       rho  logPrior
## [1,] 2.392456 2.242859 1.929790 0.7964407 11.960271 0.8082664 -12.81448
## [2,] 2.392456 2.242859 1.929790 0.7964407 11.960271 0.8082664 -12.81448
## [3,] 3.946687 1.910482 2.452853 0.6569316  8.528870 0.6593658 -12.81448
## [4,] 3.946687 1.910482 2.452853 0.6569316  8.528870 0.6593658 -12.81448
## [5,] 5.107992 1.511080 2.425485 0.5822499  6.555264 0.5456772 -12.81448
## [6,] 5.107992 1.511080 2.425485 0.5822499  6.555264 0.5456772 -12.81448
##      logLikelihood logDensity
## [1,]     -434.5553  -447.3698
## [2,]     -434.5553  -447.3698
## [3,]     -320.2052  -333.0197
## [4,]     -320.2052  -333.0197
## [5,]     -195.9429  -208.7574
## [6,]     -195.9429  -208.7574

You can now go back to the practical and analyse this trace.

Short run analysis

Here is an example of analysis for our preliminary run:

# convert to a mcmc object for coda
trace <- mcmc(mcmcSeitl$trace)

# compute the acceptance rate
1 - rejectionRate(trace)
##           R_0         D_lat         D_inf         alpha         D_imm 
##     0.1726345     0.1726345     0.1726345     0.1726345     0.1726345 
##           rho      logPrior logLikelihood    logDensity 
##     0.1726345     0.0000000     0.1726345     0.1726345
# between 0.1 and 0.6: looks good!

# let's have a look at the traces
library("lattice")  ## for the 'xyplot' command
xyplot(x = trace)

Although the chain was started at a initTheta with a low posterior density, it quickly finds the region of the parameter space with high posterior density. Note also the constant trace of the log-prior since we have assumed a uniform prior.

Overall, it looks like the chain reached its target distribution after 1000 steps.

# Let's find a suitable burn-in::

As anticipated from the trace, discarding the first 1000 iterations maximizes the effective sample size (ESS).

# Let's create a new trace without the burn-in
traceBurn <- burnAndThin(trace, burn = 1000)
xyplot(x = traceBurn)

# Let's check the ESS
##           R_0         D_lat         D_inf         alpha         D_imm 
##      70.38059      66.62130      74.02227      84.33808      69.38730 
##           rho      logPrior logLikelihood    logDensity 
##     134.97679       0.00000     100.89045     100.89045

Although we have 4000 samples remaining after burn-in, the ESS is much smaller. This is due to autocorrelation of the chain.

# autocorrelation plot
acfplot(x = traceBurn, lag.max = 60)

The autocorrelation between samples drops substantially for a lag of 20 iterations. We can thin the trace to reduce the autocorrelation.

# Let's create a thinned trace
traceBurnThin <- burnAndThin(traceBurn, thin = 20)
xyplot(x = traceBurnThin)

# Let's check the ESS
##           R_0         D_lat         D_inf         alpha         D_imm 
##      60.32844      56.31209      56.32156      77.34331      62.12285 
##           rho      logPrior logLikelihood    logDensity 
##      96.18594       0.00000      69.92988      69.92988

Although the thinned trace has 20 times less fewer than the unthinned trace, it has a similar ESS. This is because the autocorrelation has been reduced.

# new autocorrelation plot
acfplot(x = traceBurnThin, lag.max = 60)

Let’s compare the posterior estimates of the thinned and unthinned traces.

# The unthinned trace
## Iterations = 1:4000
## Thinning interval = 1 
## Number of chains = 1 
## Sample size per chain = 4000 
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
##    plus standard error of the mean:
##                    Mean      SD  Naive SE Time-series SE
## R_0             15.0775 3.80639 0.0601843       0.453719
## D_lat            1.0115 0.25554 0.0040405       0.031308
## D_inf           10.0611 2.49282 0.0394149       0.289740
## alpha            0.5270 0.04049 0.0006403       0.004409
## D_imm            7.9653 2.13142 0.0337008       0.255876
## rho              0.6866 0.04882 0.0007719       0.004202
## logPrior       -12.8145 0.00000 0.0000000       0.000000
## logLikelihood -141.0424 1.71260 0.0270786       0.170503
## logDensity    -153.8569 1.71260 0.0270786       0.170503
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
##                    2.5%       25%       50%       75%     97.5%
## R_0              7.6677   12.6097   14.9351   17.6100   22.5097
## D_lat            0.5823    0.8433    0.9635    1.1635    1.5593
## D_inf            4.3501    8.4322   10.1352   11.7960   14.3086
## alpha            0.4339    0.5037    0.5300    0.5541    0.5971
## D_imm            4.3538    6.4310    7.9303    9.0796   12.6237
## rho              0.5886    0.6548    0.6878    0.7179    0.7845
## logPrior       -12.8145  -12.8145  -12.8145  -12.8145  -12.8145
## logLikelihood -145.6333 -141.8981 -140.5947 -139.8680 -138.8092
## logDensity    -158.4478 -154.7126 -153.4091 -152.6825 -151.6237

# The thinned trace
## Iterations = 1:191
## Thinning interval = 1 
## Number of chains = 1 
## Sample size per chain = 191 
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
##    plus standard error of the mean:
##                    Mean      SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## R_0             15.0340 3.67915 0.266214       0.473681
## D_lat            0.9966 0.24756 0.017913       0.032989
## D_inf           10.1004 2.42825 0.175702       0.323560
## alpha            0.5284 0.04102 0.002968       0.004664
## D_imm            7.9954 2.11939 0.153354       0.268897
## rho              0.6882 0.04950 0.003582       0.005048
## logPrior       -12.8145 0.00000 0.000000       0.000000
## logLikelihood -141.0482 1.72186 0.124589       0.205904
## logDensity    -153.8627 1.72186 0.124589       0.205904
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
##                    2.5%       25%       50%       75%     97.5%
## R_0              7.7944   12.7957   14.8305   17.7131   21.5255
## D_lat            0.5934    0.8350    0.9447    1.1455    1.5276
## D_inf            5.0674    8.5244   10.3264   11.7014   14.2780
## alpha            0.4369    0.5046    0.5279    0.5543    0.6035
## D_imm            4.3360    6.7251    7.9066    9.0377   12.6548
## rho              0.5932    0.6553    0.6877    0.7234    0.7848
## logPrior       -12.8145  -12.8145  -12.8145  -12.8145  -12.8145
## logLikelihood -145.4018 -142.0507 -140.5424 -139.8670 -138.8033
## logDensity    -158.2162 -154.8651 -153.3569 -152.6815 -151.6178

They are very similar. So why thin? Because autocorrelation produces clumpy samples that are unrepresentative, in the short run, of the true underlying posterior distribution. We can check this by comparing the thinned and unthinned distributions using the function plotPosteriorDensity of the fitR package:

plotPosteriorDensity(list(unthinned = traceBurn, thinned = traceBurnThin))

The thinned trace shows a smoother distribution despite having less samples than the unthinned one. This because the local “bumps” of the unthinned distribution are caused by autocorrelated samples.

You can now go back to the practical and perform a similar analysis for a long-run MCMC.

Long run analysis

Here is an example of an analysis for our long run (50k iterations)

# load mcmc output

# create mcmc objects for both traces
trace1 <- mcmc(mcmcSeitlTheta1$trace)
trace2 <- mcmc(mcmcSeitlTheta2$trace)

# combine traces as mcmc.list object
trace <- mcmc.list(list(trace1, trace2))

# let's have a look
head(trace, 3)
## [[1]]
## Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
## Start = 1 
## End = 4 
## Thinning interval = 1 
##           R_0    D_lat    D_inf     alpha    D_imm       rho  logPrior
## [1,] 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 0.8000000 16.00000 0.8500000 -12.81448
## [2,] 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 0.8000000 16.00000 0.8500000 -12.81448
## [3,] 1.722749 1.481383 1.186734 0.8390849 11.34142 0.8183184 -12.81448
## [4,] 1.722749 1.481383 1.186734 0.8390849 11.34142 0.8183184 -12.81448
##      logLikelihood logDensity
## [1,]     -445.7795  -458.5939
## [2,]     -445.7795  -458.5939
## [3,]     -421.8376  -434.6520
## [4,]     -421.8376  -434.6520
## [[2]]
## Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
## Start = 1 
## End = 4 
## Thinning interval = 1 
##           R_0    D_lat    D_inf     alpha    D_imm       rho  logPrior
## [1,] 19.33034 2.075211 1.831636 0.1982534 7.921349 0.3198710 -12.81448
## [2,] 19.33034 2.075211 1.831636 0.1982534 7.921349 0.3198710 -12.81448
## [3,] 19.33034 2.075211 1.831636 0.1982534 7.921349 0.3198710 -12.81448
## [4,] 19.57792 2.405110 3.105701 0.1539486 8.018864 0.3203776 -12.81448
##      logLikelihood logDensity
## [1,]     -295.8436  -308.6581
## [2,]     -295.8436  -308.6581
## [3,]     -295.8436  -308.6581
## [4,]     -261.3233  -274.1378
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "mcmc.list"

# acceptance rate
1 - rejectionRate(trace)
##           R_0         D_lat         D_inf         alpha         D_imm 
##     0.1954239     0.1954239     0.1954239     0.1954239     0.1954239 
##           rho      logPrior logLikelihood    logDensity 
##     0.1954239     0.0000000     0.1954239     0.1954239
# close to the optimal value of 0.234

##           R_0         D_lat         D_inf         alpha         D_imm 
##      2556.169      3062.908      2647.090      3281.971      3172.580 
##           rho      logPrior logLikelihood    logDensity 
##      3539.099         0.000      3044.446      3044.446

# plot the traces
library("lattice")  ## for the 'xyplot' command

Note that the acceptance rate and the ESS are computed for the combined chain whereas the traces are plotted for each chain. Also, given the very high ESS we can reasonably choose a burn-in visually, say 5000 iterations.

traceBurn <- burnAndThin(trace, burn = 5000)

# removing the burn-in increases the ESS
##           R_0         D_lat         D_inf         alpha         D_imm 
##      2495.223      3024.481      3132.444      3201.725      3188.532 
##           rho      logPrior logLikelihood    logDensity 
##      3350.921         0.000      2681.293      2681.293

# autocorrelation
acfplot(traceBurn, lag.max = 60)

Again, given the very high ESS, we can be quite generous in our choice of the thinning.

# Thinning: let's keep 1 iteration every 40
traceBurnThin <- burnAndThin(traceBurn, thin = 40)

However, let’s compare the thinned and unthinnned distributions.

# Note that plotPosteriorDensity can take a list of mcmc.list It will plot the
# different mcmc.list by combining their elements Let's plot the combined
# unthinned trace vs the combined thinned trace.
plotPosteriorDensity(list(unthinned = traceBurn, thinned = traceBurnThin))

In contrast to the previous short-run, they are almost no difference between the thinned and unthinned chains. Indeed, with such a long chain, the clumpy autocorrelation has been averaged out!

In fact, there are several references that show that the longer (unthinned) chain usually yields better estimates of the true posterior than the shorter thinned chain, even for percentiles in the tail of the distribution. That said, thinning can be useful for other reasons, such as memory or time constraints in post-chain processing.

Now, we can compare whether the two independent chains, started at theta1 and theta2, have converged to the same posterior distribution


Since the chains have converged to the same posterior, we can use the combined estimates

# the function summary combines the chains of a mcmc.list
## Iterations = 1:1098
## Thinning interval = 1 
## Number of chains = 2 
## Sample size per chain = 1098 
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
##    plus standard error of the mean:
##                    Mean      SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## R_0             17.1056 4.18077 0.089216      0.1006106
## D_lat            1.1431 0.34989 0.007467      0.0083788
## D_inf           10.8010 2.23188 0.047627      0.0501479
## alpha            0.5364 0.03814 0.000814      0.0008609
## D_imm            7.7305 2.20336 0.047019      0.0505641
## rho              0.6958 0.05228 0.001116      0.0011299
## logPrior       -12.8145 0.00000 0.000000      0.0000000
## logLikelihood -141.3144 1.76904 0.037750      0.0428708
## logDensity    -154.1289 1.76904 0.037750      0.0428708
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
##                    2.5%       25%       50%       75%     97.5%
## R_0             10.1186   14.1379   16.7421   19.7520   26.1080
## D_lat            0.4979    0.8885    1.1353    1.3700    1.8940
## D_inf            6.4580    9.2290   10.8903   12.5063   14.6617
## alpha            0.4595    0.5110    0.5373    0.5622    0.6075
## D_imm            3.8619    6.2249    7.5466    8.9910   12.7175
## rho              0.6002    0.6592    0.6937    0.7321    0.8025
## logPrior       -12.8145  -12.8145  -12.8145  -12.8145  -12.8145
## logLikelihood -145.6336 -142.1916 -140.9629 -140.0194 -138.8614
## logDensity    -158.4481 -155.0061 -153.7774 -152.8339 -151.6759

Running several independent chains starting from different parts of the parameter space allows us to check whether the posterior distribution is multi-modal. If so, then we must be careful when combining the chains. For instance, an estimate of the mean computed with summary won’t be meaningful for a parameter with a multi-modal posterior.

By contrast, for a unimodal posteriors, combining chains is an efficient way to increase the ESS and the precision of the posterior estimates. Furthermore, running several “shorter” chains in parallel is faster than running one “long” chain.

Finally, let’s assess the fit of the deterministic SEITL model.

# load data

# the same initState as for the fit
initState <- c(S = 279, E = 0, I = 2, T = 3, L = 0, Inc = 0)

# by default plotPosteriorFit summarize the fit of 100 thetas sampled from the
# posterior
plotPosteriorFit(trace = trace, fitmodel = seitlDeter, initState = initState, data = fluTdc1971)

# alternatively, one can plot the fit of the mean of the posterior (in this
# case the observation is replicated 100 times)
plotPosteriorFit(trace = trace, fitmodel = seitlDeter, initState = initState, data = fluTdc1971,
    posteriorSummary = "mean")

# or using the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate
plotPosteriorFit(trace = trace, fitmodel = seitlDeter, initState = initState, data = fluTdc1971,
    posteriorSummary = "max")

Note that the 95% credible intervals (CI) for the posterior fit under the MAP captures the highest data point. By contrast, the fit of the second peak seems quite poor, even for the MAP.

You can now go back to the practical and look at the posterior correlations between the parameters.


The correlation of the posterior distribution can be investigated using levelplot.

library("lattice")  ## for the 'levelplot command
# levelplot doesn't accept `mcmc.list`, we pass the first `mcmc` only.
levelplot(traceBurnThin[[1]], col.regions = heat.colors(100))

Note the strong positive correlations (~0.8) between \(R_0\) and \(D_{lat}\) and between \(R_0\) and \(D_{inf}\). In order to explain the wide 95% CIs of \(R_0\) and \(D_{inf}\), let’s have a look at the contact rate \(\beta = R_0/D_{inf}\).

with([[1]]), quantile(R_0/D_inf, probs = c(0.025, 0.25,
    0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))
##     2.5%      25%      50%      75%    97.5% 
## 1.112567 1.394826 1.584295 1.783682 2.192854

The posterior value of \(\beta\) varies somewhat less than the posterior values of \(R_0\) and \(D_\mathrm{inf}\). Indeed, this parameter is constrained by the shape of the initial phase of the outbreak. Conversely, there are an infinite number of combinations of \(R_0\) and \(D_{inf}\) that lead to the same \(\beta\), hence their wide 95% CIs.

A second effect that could explain the wide posterior density in \(R_0\) is the very high attack rate. Indeed, once \(R_0>5\) it doesn’t make much difference whether \(R_0\) is equal to, say, 10 or 20.

We can also note that the posterior estimate of \(D_{inf} = 11\) days (95% CI: \([6-15]\)) is biologically unrealistic based on previous empirical estimates. However, our approach did not include any prior information as the default seitlDeter fitmodel comes with uniform priors for all parameters.

In order to include previous empirical information on \(D_{lat}\) and \(D_{inf}\), let’s modify the dPrior function of seitlDeter as follows:

seitlDeter$dPrior <- function(theta, log = FALSE) {
    # package with truncated normal distribution

    logPriorR0 <- dunif(theta[["R_0"]], min = 1, max = 50, log = TRUE)
    # normal distribution with mean = 2 and sd = 1 and truncated at 0
    logPriorLatentPeriod <- log(dtruncnorm(theta[["D_lat"]], a = 0, b = Inf, mean = 2,
        sd = 1))
    # normal distribution with mean = 2 and sd = 1 and truncated at 0
    logPriorInfectiousPeriod <- log(dtruncnorm(theta[["D_inf"]], a = 0, b = Inf,
        mean = 2, sd = 1))
    logPriorTemporaryImmunePeriod <- dunif(theta[["D_imm"]], min = 0, max = 50, log = TRUE)
    logPriorProbabilityLongTermImmunity <- dunif(theta[["alpha"]], min = 0, max = 1,
        log = TRUE)
    logPriorReportingRate <- dunif(theta[["rho"]], min = 0, max = 1, log = TRUE)

    logSum <- logPriorR0 + logPriorLatentPeriod + logPriorInfectiousPeriod + logPriorTemporaryImmunePeriod +
        logPriorProbabilityLongTermImmunity + logPriorReportingRate

    return(ifelse(log, logSum, exp(logSum)))

Note the choice of a truncated normal distribution since \(D_{lat}\) and \(D_{inf}\) must be positive.

You can now go back to the practical and run a MCMC with this informative prior.

Informative priors

Here we combine both chains with informative priors and compare the posterior distribution with the one above.

# create mcmc object
traceInfo1 <- mcmc(mcmcSeitlInfoPriorTheta1$trace)
traceInfo2 <- mcmc(mcmcSeitlInfoPriorTheta2$trace)

# combine in a mcmc.list
traceInfo <- mcmc.list(traceInfo1, traceInfo2)

# burn and thin as the chain with uniform prior (see above sections)
traceInfoBurnThin <- burnAndThin(traceInfo, burn = 5000, thin = 40)

# check that both chains converged to the same posterior

# compare the effect of informative priors on the posterior distribution
plotPosteriorDensity(list(unif = traceBurnThin, info = traceInfoBurnThin))

\(R_0\) and \(D_{inf}\) have very different posterior distributions. This is expected as there is an informative prior on \(D_{inf}\), and \(R_0\) is strongly correlated to \(D_{inf}\). Note also that the mode of all other parameters have changed, though less than \(D_{inf}\) and \(R_0\). This illustrate the influence that one prior can have on the full posterior distribution.

You can now go back to the practical.

Model selection

# combine the two chains in a data frame
library("dplyr")  # needed for the 'bind_rows' function
library("purrr")  # needed for the 'map' function
traceCombined <- bind_rows(purrr::map(traceInfoBurnThin,

# take the mean of theta
thetaBar <- colMeans(traceCombined[seitlDeter$thetaNames])
##       R_0     D_lat     D_inf     alpha     D_imm       rho 
## 7.6292160 1.2840236 3.6875805 0.4760604 9.1959368 0.6476576

# compute its log-likelihood
initState <- c(S = 279, E = 0, I = 2, T = 3, L = 0, Inc = 0)
logLikeThetaBar <- dTrajObs(seitlDeter, thetaBar, initState, data = fluTdc1971, log = TRUE)
## [1] -142.7907

# and its deviance
dThetaBar <- -2 * logLikeThetaBar
## [1] 285.5815

# the effective number of parameters
pD <- var(-2 * traceCombined$logLikelihood)/2
## [1] 8.614696

# and finally the DIC
dic <- dThetaBar + 2 * pD
## [1] 302.8109

Follow this link to go back to the practical.


This web site and the material contained in it were originally created in support of an annual short course on Model Fitting and Inference for Infectious Disease Dynamics at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. All material is under a MIT license. Please report any issues or suggestions for improvement on the corresponding GitHub issue tracker. We are always keen to hear about any uses of the material here, so please do get in touch using the Discussion board if you have any questions or ideas, or if you find the material here useful or use it in your own teaching.