Here is a possible solution for the particle filter.

# This is a function that takes four parameters:
# - fitmodel: a fitmodel object
# - theta: named numeric vector. Values of the parameters for which the marginal
#   log-likelihood is desired.
# - initState: named numeric vector. Initial values of the state variables.
# - data: data frame. Observation times and observed data.
# The function returns the value of the marginal log-likelihood
my_particleFilter <- function(fitmodel, theta, initState, data, nParticles) {
  ## Initialisation of the algorithm

  # Marginal log-likelihood is set to 0 and will be updated during the filtering
  # steps
  margLogLike <- 0

  # Particle states can be stored in a list
  stateParticles <- rep(list(initState), nParticles)

  # Weight: initially equal for all the particles
  # particle weight can be stored in a vector
  weightParticles <- rep(1 / nParticles, length = nParticles)

  # Initialise time variable
  currentTime <- 0

  ## Loop over observation times: resample, propagate, weight
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(data))) {
    # Extract next data point (must be a vector)
    dataPoint <- unlist(data[i, ])
    nextTime <- dataPoint["time"]

    # Resample particles according to their weights.
    # You can use the `sample` function of R
    # (normalisation of the weights is done in the function)
    indexResampled <- sample(
      x = nParticles,
      size = nParticles,
      replace = TRUE,
      prob = weightParticles
    stateParticles <- stateParticles[indexResampled]

    ## Loop over particles: propagate and weight
    for (p in 1:nParticles) {
      # Extract current state of the particle
      currentStateParticle <- stateParticles[[p]]

      # Propagate the particle from current observation time
      # to the next one using the function `fitmodel$simulate`
      traj <- fitmodel$simulate(
        theta = theta,
        initState = currentStateParticle,
        times = c(currentTime, nextTime)

      # Extract state of the model at next observation time
      # Also make sure that modelPoint is a vector
      modelPoint <- unlist(traj[2, fitmodel$stateNames])

      # Weight the particle with the likelihood of the observed
      # data point using the function `fitmodel$dPointObs`
      weightParticles[p] <-
          dataPoint = dataPoint,
          modelPoint = modelPoint,
          theta = theta

      # Update state of the p particle
      stateParticles[[p]] <- modelPoint

    # Increment time
    currentTime <- nextTime

    ## Increment the marginal log-likelihood
    # Add the log of the mean of the particles weights
    margLogLike <- margLogLike + log(mean(weightParticles))

  ## Return marginal log-likelihood

You can copy and paste the function into your R session, and proceed from there.

Return to the pMCMC practical.


This web site and the material contained in it were originally created in support of an annual short course on Model Fitting and Inference for Infectious Disease Dynamics at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. All material is under a MIT license. Please report any issues or suggestions for improvement on the corresponding GitHub issue tracker. We are always keen to hear about any uses of the material here, so please do get in touch using the Discussion board if you have any questions or ideas, or if you find the material here useful or use it in your own teaching.