A fitmodel object is a list that stores some variables and functions that will be useful to simulate and fit your model during the course.

  name = NULL,
  stateNames = NULL,
  thetaNames = NULL,
  simulate = NULL,
  rPointObs = NULL,
  dPrior = NULL,
  dPointObs = NULL



character. Name of the model (required).


character vector. Names of the state variables i.e. c("S","I","R") (required).


character vector. Names of the parameters i.e. c("R_0","infectiousPeriod") (required).


R-function to simulate forward the model (required). This function takes 3 arguments:

  • theta named numeric vector. Values of the parameters. Names should match thetaNames.

  • initState named numeric vector. Initial values of the state variables. Names should match stateNames.

  • times numeric vector. Time sequence for which the state of the model is wanted; the first value of times must be the initial time, i.e. the time of initState.

and returns a data.fame containing the simulated trajectories that is the values of the state variables (1 per column) at each observation time (1 per row). The first column is time.


R-function that generates a (randomly sampled) observation point from a model point, using an observation model (optional). It thus acts as an inverse of dPointObs (see below). This function takes 2 arguments

  • modelPoint named numeric vector. State of the model at a given point in time.

  • theta named numeric vector. Values of the parameters. Names should match thetaNames.

and returns an observation point


R-function that evaluates the prior density of the parameters at a given theta (optional). The function should take 2 arguments:

  • theta named numeric vector. Values of the parameters. Names should match thetaNames.

  • log boolean. determines whether the logarithm of the prior density should be returned.

and returns the (logged, if requested) value of the prior density distribution.


R-function that evaluates the likelihood of one data point given the state of the model at the same time point. This function takes 4 arguments:

  • dataPoint named numeric vector. Observation time and observed data point.

  • modelPoint named numeric vector containing the state of the model at the observation time point.

  • theta named numeric vector. Parameter values. Useful since parameters are usually needed to compute the likelihood (i.e. reporting rate).

  • log boolean. determines whether the logarithm of the likelihood should be returned.

and returns the (log-)likelihood. (optional)


a fitmodel object that is a list of 7 elements:

  • name character, name of the model

  • stateNames vector, names of the state variables.

  • thetaNames vector, names of the parameters.

  • simulate R-function to simulate forward the model; usage: simulate(theta,initState,times).

  • rPointObs R-function to generate simulated observations; usage: rPointObs(modelPoint, theta).

  • dPrior R-function to evaluate the log-prior of the parameter values; usage: dPrior(theta).

  • dPointObs R-function to evaluate the log-likelihood of one data point; usage: dPointObs(dataPoint, modelPoint, theta, log).

See also