Estimate reproduction number from contact information and immunity profile
This takes a contact survey to derive a contact matrix and rescales contacts to represent contacts with susceptibles. This is then combined with information on the basic reproduction number R0 to calculate the effective or net reproduction number.
- mixing_matrix
A mixing matrix, as returned by
- immunity
immunity profile; this should be given as a vector of the same length as the number of rows/columns of the mixing matrix; each element of the vector should contain a value <1 representing the proportion of the population immune in the corresponding age group; any element set to "herd" will be set to 1-1/R0
- vector
if TRUE, will return the eigenvector corresponding to the dominant eigenvector instead of adjusted immunity; this corresponds to the expected stable age distribution of infections in case of an outbreak
mixing <- contact_matrix(survey = polymod, age.limits
= c(0, 5, 10))
#> Removing participants without age information. To change this behaviour, set the 'missing.participant.age' option
#> Removing participants that have contacts without age information. To change this behaviour, set the '' option
adjust_immunity(mixing$matrix, immunity = c(0, 0.5, 0.8))
#> [1] 0.7069723